Melanotan 2 nasal spray results

 Firstly to everyone unfamiliar with melanotan 2 or mt2.

Its usually sold as an injection that causes the skin to tan deeply and safely without burning. Even if you are ginger.

It can turn ginger hair brown, and sometimes causes side effects like freckles and moles when not used properly. 

I bought the nasal spray from and they told me this. 

Please use 5 sprays 5 minutes prior to using a sunbed,  breathe deeply as you use the nasal spray.

Do not use when not going in the sun as the mt2 will trigger melanin production in the skin which causes uneven stimulation of the melanocytes involved, this causes freckles and moles.

I followed the protocol , no nausea,  no bad stomach,  no freckles and I got a deep tan in 2 weeks without burning using the sunbed 3 times a week for 8 minutes 

Definitely the best and nicest results I've ever had , dont buy these stupid drops on etsy and fb as they get destroyed by stomach acid.

Injections can causes infection and sides.

Get yours from a lab.

I recommend,  a uk based supplier of the best products.

Thank you guys



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