
Melanotan 2 nasal spray results

 Firstly to everyone unfamiliar with melanotan 2 or mt2. Its usually sold as an injection that causes the skin to tan deeply and safely without burning. Even if you are ginger. It can turn ginger hair brown, and sometimes causes side effects like freckles and moles when not used properly.  I bought the nasal spray from and they told me this.  Please use 5 sprays 5 minutes prior to using a sunbed,  breathe deeply as you use the nasal spray. Do not use when not going in the sun as the mt2 will trigger melanin production in the skin which causes uneven stimulation of the melanocytes involved, this causes freckles and moles. I followed the protocol , no nausea,  no bad stomach,  no freckles and I got a deep tan in 2 weeks without burning using the sunbed 3 times a week for 8 minutes  Definitely the best and nicest results I've ever had , dont buy these stupid drops on etsy and fb as they get destroyed by stomach acid. Injections can causes infection and sides. Get yo

Koka labs Tren review

  So having come to the end of a very good Tren cycle from koka labs, 3 caps a day. I'm 189cm And weighed 94kg at the start finished up at 98kg and a loss of 1% bf. Koka labs seems great, got a spike in BP as expected, hdl and ldl were about the same. Felt hot on cycle, a few spots, a little bit of insomnia and a tiny bit of lethargy right at the end. Everything you would expect from a tren clone.  This is not the same as trenavar, this is dienedione. Quite pleased with a company that has very few reviews. So I will definitely recommend this brand. As everyone knows brawn and fusion are not what they were, so finding a new lab is great. Thank you all. Beast.

Fusion Phera -phera plex (predator nutrition review)

 Wow, having used old school pplex by Cel, competitive edge labs, and Russianstarpeptides pplex about 2016, where I on both cycles gained about 16lbs I expected (BIG) things from fusion, however I dont know why as the last 3 products with the fusion brand have been absolutely shocking. Ran 4 caps a day until the bottle ran out that 40mg, all I got was a lighter bank balance and disappointment.  No change in diet or training I gained 0.6lbs  compared to the first day of the cycle. A shocking waste of time and money. Fusion are in the same group as brawn to me being absolute junk since 2019. Koka labs are decent if you want a high street brand for old school pro hormones ( even though most are active and not requiring any conversion ) take epistane as a prime example. Crossthelimits sells some decent stuff as does of course my go to Hope this helps you all save money and buy safely.  Please comment if you want me to review a product and waste my own money lol. 

Bmp7 height formula works.

 When you find a company who's products work you are tempted to try everything even things you dont really need. In 2017 I bought the polarising product Bmp7 height formula. Being 6ft 1inch already I wasnt really looking to grow any taller. I just fancied trying it. Who wouldn't want to add an extra inch. Plus it strengthens bones. Bmp7 was administered to a lady in Scandinavia who was pregnant,  this was because she needed urgent jaw surgery.  They provided micro doses of both bmp5 and 7 to help the jaw bone heal quickly. Now the interesting fact was, she was pregnant and so her body was starting to flood with Relaxin a hormone that re softens bones after they have hardened after puberty, because they softened she grew 1.2 inches. It didn't say if her child grew taller than average. Now obviously her body was producing large amounts of Relaxin , much more than can be provided in one injection of Relaxin. So the minuscule amounts of bmp5 and bmp7 worked on her, Bmp7 height amazing product Titan steel

 As most of you will know by now, I have spent many years exploring products and supplements that actually work. Some are placebo and some, and actually very few are amazing and actually work. Last year in December I saw an advertisement from Russianstarpeptides that Titan steel was being released. It promised harder and longer lasting erections, improved stamina amongst other benefits including less prostate inflammation. It also said it helps gain girth . I Went ahead and pre ordered the product , receiving it in april. Wow all I can say is it was the most amazing product I've ever used. I saw immediate changed to the thickness and strength of my erections. I had much healthier erections , more hardness, more stamina and this was instantaneous.  I know I wasnt the only one as it kept getting sold out. This product I have used for 8 weeks straight,  one week off ever since. I added over 1 inch in girth when erect. Length I found is easy to add but nothing adds girth . From start t titan 60 % dht gel review

 Ok guy's so it's my first blog and my first review. Package arrived 7 days after ordering.  So from the Uk to USA that was quick! First impressions, well packed. 60ml dropper bottle with clear liquid. Do i have any reason to leave a positive review because of ulterior motives, no. I have been using this for 17 weeks now 4 drops every day and also using the weighted stretch method to help straighten and grow my penis. So far I have had over 1.6cm in growth and maybe 0.3cm in girth. Does it work, yes. Will i order again.. yes The first things I noticed were increased vascularity and Improved erections. What i am hoping for is over an inch gain in 1 year which I now believe is doable after no growth for 7 years. I would reccomend and especially the titan 60% dht gel which is the strongest dht gel you can buy anywhere. Reasons why I recommend.  I had the gel tested privately and it contained a large amount of dht. No contaminants.  If you are looking for a trans